Parking Lot Striping

Parking lot striping involves the process of painting or marking lines and symbols on a parking lot surface to designate parking spaces, traffic lanes, pedestrian walkways, and other important areas.

Hotmix Asphalt Installation

Hot mix asphalt installation is a process used to pave roads, driveways, parking lots, and other surfaces using a mixture of asphalt cement and aggregates.

Warranty on our work

Serving Bell County Texas and the surrounding areas.

A Scott Farr Company

Commercial Construction and Paving Services in Temple, Texas.

SBF Construction & Paving is the “Mom and Pop” company that has grown to a much larger scale of job performance. Our company has all the big equipment to professionally install aspalt parking lots, concrete curbs and sidewalks. We are insured almost to the moon just so we can be in compliance with the major industrial companies in the Bell County area. Current and up to date on major networks that are required to perform work on the premises.

SBF Construction and Paving has the man power, the machine power and the knowledge to give your business the best job possible. From the base foundation to the very last handicap sign, our crews are all hands on deck. There is very little that our crew can’t handle. Chances are, if we can’t do something in house, we know the right people for the job. SBF Construction & Paving has a two hour radius to Bell County, depending on the job size. References from big companies are readily available.

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